Author, Gamer, Comic Aficionado
The Expanse Mythos is a fictional origin story and cosmology created as the basis for an imaginative multiverse. It chronicles the beginnings of existence when only Everling and Shadow occupied the void. After eons alone, Everling creates Mate and they set out to build the Omniverse, Multiverses, and Universes that will hold all of Everling's creations.
This original mythos explores concepts of infinite alternate realities and universes, providing a framework for the author's fictional tales. The imaginative worldbuilding establishes entities like Everling, Shadow, and Mate as primordial cosmic beings who shape existence in the expanse. Their conflicts and choices ultimately result in the branching Multiverses that comprise the Omniverse.
With elements of fantasy, science fiction and mythology, The Expanse Mythos crafts a cosmic origin story for the author's ambitious imagination. It sets up an underlying lore for an infinitely expanding narrative universe.