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Logan Pendragon Multiverse

I’m Logan Pendragon, an Author, Gamer and comic junkie (among other things). This website is my personal blog, and what I use to also market my books and various other things.

Below is the text on my Amazon author profile.

Writing has always been one of my greatest passions—something I’ve done my entire life, and I can’t imagine living without it.

I’m Logan Pendragon, a writer who loves to explore the vast worlds of fiction, science fiction, and fantasy (in that order). While these are my main focuses, I also experiment with a lot of other genres. I write novels, novellas, short stories, poetry, and all sorts of other pieces. I even enjoy creating experimental works that push the boundaries of traditional storytelling.

Logan Pendragon isn’t just a pen name; it’s a way for me to connect with readers who are looking for an escape into imaginative worlds where anything is possible. Each piece I write reflects my “Snapshot” theory—the idea that every published work captures my skills and vision at a specific point in time. This philosophy embraces growth, recognizing that I become a better storyteller with each story I tell.

The “Snapshot” theory guides my creative process. Once I share a story, it stands as a marker in my journey, showcasing my abilities at that moment. This means that every piece of work you read from me represents the best I could offer at that time. As I continue to write, you can expect newer works to showcase improved skills and deeper storytelling, reflecting my ongoing growth as a writer.

My collection of work isn’t just a series of stories; it’s a living record of my development as a writer. With each new release, I strive to surpass my previous efforts, continuously pushing the boundaries of my storytelling. Every novel and short story I create invites you to explore unique and boundless worlds, reflecting my growth and dedication to the craft. Join me on this journey, where each step forward brings even richer and more engaging tales, leaving a lasting impression long after the final page.