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Mafia The Game – “A Trip to the Country” – Turret

The video game series “Mafia” brings back a lot of great memories, and it was an amazing series. One tip I posted to reddit ended up being very valuable, so I wanted to post it here as a blog post, alongside a few extra tips.

Mission: “A Trip to the Country” – Turret Scene.

I have found an easy way to finish this part. I know this is an older post but I figured I’d post in case anyone else needs help. At first I thought I had to duck when they were shooting so I could reload. I also thought you only did damage to the turret when it wasn’t shooting back and reloading. That’s actually not correct. I watched a video on it online which showed how to do it and this is what I did.

When the scene first starts just stand up and fire at the turret and be as accurate as possible. When you need to reload your own gun, don’t worry about ducking. Just let it reload and keep shooting at the turret regardless whether it is shooting at you or not. When I did it that way I made it on the first try.

Most people I think believe they have to duck when the turret is shooting to reload, and then shoot at it when it’s not returning fire. But if you just stand up and shoot at it the entire time and are semi-accurate it was easy and I did it on the first try. I was in easy difficulty so I’m not sure about other difficulties. I normally play on normal but turned it down too easy and tried about 200 times. When I did it this way I got it on the first try.

A side note given to me by someone else: “For Classic mode, you want to turn your Aim assist to HIGH. This’ll allow 90% of your shots to hit the turret without fail. The overall tip on standing up the whole time and shooting definitely helped! Thank you so much.”

Published inVideo Games

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